Emerging and re-emerging infectious health threats: Opportunities for effective regional coordination and leadership

Perspectives & Insights



The sessions covered various aspects of global health initiatives. Suman Majumdar highlighted challenges in combating TB in Papua New Guinea, emphasising innovative interventions, community empowerment, and sustainable funding as crucial. Katie Anders discussed the World Mosquito Program's aim to combat mosquito-borne diseases, highlighting the importance of community engagement and partnerships for success, and innovative applications. Jess Kaufman presented the Vaccine Champions Program, focusing on building trust, addressing workforce shortages, and community education to increase vaccination rates. Lucas De Toca emphasised the government and funder perspective, stressing the need for innovative approaches, long-term partnerships, and tailored initiatives to address global health challenges, particularly in smaller countries with limited capacity.


Sarah McGuinness
Clinical Research Fellow (Infectious Diseases), School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Australia


Suman Majumdar
Chief Health Officer - COVID and Health Emergencies, Burnet Institute, Australia

Niko Wuatai
Chief Executive Officer, Western Provincial Health Authority, Papua New Guinea

Citra Indriani
Director of the Centre for Tropical Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia

Margie Danchin
Lead, Vaccine Uptake Group, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Australia

Jess Kaufman
Senior Research Fellow, Vaccine Uptake Group, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, Australia

Vicente Y. Belizario Jr
Professor and Former Dean, College of Public Health, University of the Philippines

Katie Anders
Director of Impact Assessment, World Mosquito Program, Australia

Lucas de Toca
Ambassador for Global Health and First Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government


We gratefully acknowledge the following organisations for providing travel and accommodation support for international speakers in this session.