Lluis Vinyals Torres
Director, Division of Health Systems and Services, WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Lluis Vinyals Torres
Director, Division of Health Systems and Services, WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Lluis Vinyals Torres is a health financing expert with 26 years of experience in low and middle income countries, including Mozambique, Angola, DR Congo, Haiti, Nepal, Cambodia, India, Myanmar, Timor Leste, Sri Lanka and the Philippines.
He has worked with several multilateral and bilateral aid agencies, including UNDP, UNICEF, the European Union, WHO, USAID, NORAD, FINNIDA and AECID, among others. His working exposure to all health systems levels, from facility to Ministry, has given him a wide understanding of how to analyze performance at all these levels. He has worked also on social health insurance institutions, supporting many areas such as enrolment, benefit package development, provider payment mechanism design and overall governance.
His formal training includes a BA (Hons) in Business Administration from the University of Barcelona, Spain, and an MSc degree on Health Policy from the London School of Economics, United Kingdom.
He joined the Western Pacific WHO regional office in early 2022 as Coordinator, Health Policy and Service design. Since November 2023, he has been appointed as Director, Division of Health Systems and Services. Previously, within WHO, he worked as Health Planning and Financing Regional Adviser at the South East Asia Regional Office (SEARO) and as Health Systems coordinator in Myanmar.