New horizons in global health

Lightning Talks Regional Showcase


In this session of curated talks we learned of innovative ideas and emerging concepts relevant for global health. We heard from colleagues innovating solutions, developing and testing new approaches and expanding the scope of global health.

Talks in this session include:

  • Population DNA screening: A new frontier in public health (Paul Lacaze)

  • Asia Pacific perspective of advancing global health resilience from the pandemic (Chan-Chuan Chang)

  • How simulating heatwaves is helping us prepare for a hotter future (Ollie Jay)

  • Every Breath Counts: Putting oxygen access on the global agenda (Hamish Graham)

  • The Global Post-pandemic Child - mental health crisis (Kim Cornish)


Megan Astle
Deputy Director, Health and Biosecurity, CSIRO, Australia


Paul Lacaze
Head, Public Health Genomics Program, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Australia

Chang-Chaun Chan
Distinguished Professor, Global Health Program, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University

Ollie Jay
Director, Heat and Health Research Incubator & Thermal Ergonomics Laboratory, The University of Sydney, Australia

Hamish Graham
Co-Chair, Lancet Global Health Commission on Medical Oxygen; Team Lead, Global Oxygen Access, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute; Associate Professor of International Child Health, University of Melbourne, Australia

Kim Cornish
Professor and Director, Turner Institute for Brain and Mental Health, Monash University, Australia


We gratefully acknowledge the following organisations for providing travel and accommodation support for international speakers in this session.