Working Together for Impact

Lightning Talks Regional Showcase


In this series of curated presentations, speakers shared impactful work demonstrating the benefits of partnership, collaboration and networks in bringing about meaningful change to improve global health. We heard from colleagues working together to understand and respond to global health challenges.

Talks in this session include:

  • Tackling global health issues through integrated, community based services focussed on wellness not illness  (Natalie Sullivan)

  • Co-designing Principles and Tools to improve the usability and impact of WHO Guidelines (Kidist Bartolomeos and Leah Heiss)

  • Multi-Sector Strategies to Confront the NTDs in Endemic Regions: a case of liver fluke infection and bile duct cancer (Aporn Wangwiwatsin)

  • Intergenerational Trauma and Healing: Naga Repatriation Process (Ellen Jamir)

  • Co-creation for Strengthening Health Policy and Systems Research in Asia (Shita Listya Dewi and Harvy Joy Liwanag)


Michael Marmot
Director, Institute of Health Equity, University College London, England


Natalie Sullivan
Chief Executive Officer, EACH, Australia

Kidist Bartolomeos
Unit Head, Product Design and Impact Unit, Department of Quality Assurance, Norms & Standards, Science Division, World Health Organization

Leah Heiss
Eva and Marc Besen International Research Chair in Design, Monash Art, Design and Architecture, Australia

Watcharin Loilome
Director, Cholangiocarcinoma Research Institute, Khon Kaen University, Thailand

Ellen Jamir
Head, Counseling Department, Oriental Theological Seminary, India

Shita Dewi
Senior Researcher, Center for Health Policy and Management, Universitas Gadja Madah, Indonesia 

Harvy Joy Liwanag
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, Switzerland